The takeaway
We’re working to create a better tomorrow for millions of people around the world.
You’ll build and grow with us, and we want to make sure you have the resources you need to be productive and engaged at each point of your career—when you join us, as you take on new opportunities, as you engage with your manager, and when you think about the professional development and coaching you need.
So, get connected to all that Okta has to offer you—at work, at home, and in your community.
Calls to action
Before your first day with Okta
Before your first day with Okta
Check out the Community section to learn more about our culture.
On your first day
On your first day
Attend new employee orientation and complete your onboarding tasks. Check out the Workday chiclet on your Okta Dashboard.
Within 30 days
Within 30 days
Enroll in your health and insurance benefits. Check out Enrolling + Changing Benefits for details.
You’ll receive your medical ID card in your home mail within 7 to 10 business days of Okta processing your enrollment. If you need to go to the doctor before you get your card:
- Contact Blue Shield’s or Kaiser’s customer service.
- Contact Okta Benefits to expedite your enrollment.
Register with Fidelity so you can customize your 401(k) investment choices and keep track of your balance. Reminder: After 30 days of employment, you’re auto-enrolled and contribute 4% of your base pay. You can opt out or change your contribution amount at any time.
Talk with your manager about Okta’s financial rewards, and how your performance drives your incentive compensation opportunity.
Within 60 to 90 days
Within 60 to 90 days
It may be time for your first Okta Alignment Review with your manager.
If you’re eligible, you will likely have received your first equity grant. Be sure to set up your E*TRADE account so you can track your future grants and the potential value of your RSUs.
Think about enrolling in the employee stock purchase plan (ESPP). There are two enrollment periods each year—in May and November.
Consider using your volunteer time off. Visit The Landing to see what’s happening at Okta or think about how you can volunteer in your local community. Check in with your manager to schedule time away.