The takeaway

We’re continuing to make investments in you and your family with a strong focus on wellbeing and preventive care. An early cancer detection screening test through Grail is available for employees and their spouse or domestic partner who meet certain eligibility requirements.

Early cancer detection screening

With one simple blood draw, the Galleri® test, provided through Grail, can detect a shared cancer signal across 50+ different types of cancer. It’s a groundbreaking, multi-cancer early detection screening test.

The Galleri early cancer detection screening test is offered to Okta employees and their spouse or partner who are:

  • Enrolled in an Okta medical plan.
  • 50 years or older or between 40 and 49 years old with certain risk factors.

To learn more about the Galleri early cancer detection screening test, who is eligible, and what the additional risk factors are to qualify, visit Okta’s dedicated Galleri website.  

Note: Your access ID on the Galleri website is your Okta employee ID number, which can be found in Workday.

Important note

While the Galleri is a cancer detection screening test, it does not diagnose cancer. Diagnostic testing is needed to confirm the presence of cancer. False positive and false negative results do occur. The Galleri test does not detect all cancers, as some cannot be detected in the blood.